Crystal River, FL

Getting there

If you’re flying to visit Crystal River, there are several airport options:

  1. Gainesville Regional Airport (GNV) is 68 miles / about 1.5 hours away – American, Delta, and Silver airlines offer flights
  2. Tampa International Airport (TPA) is 76 miles / about 1.25 hours away – all major airlines offer flights
  3. Orlando International Airport (MCO) is 97 miles / about 2 hours away – all major airlines offer flights
  4. Sarasota Bradenton International Airport (SRQ) is 125 miles / about 2 hours away – all major airlines offer flights

Crystal River in summer

There are 3 main attractions in the Crystal River and Homosassa area of Florida: (1) the beautiful springs, (2) scalloping, and (3) manatees! These springs offer fun all year round.

1. The beautiful springs – swim, boat, paddle board, or kayak in the crystal-clear waters.

2. Scalloping – the season typically opens the first week of July and will run through September. Grab your snorkel, a mesh bag, and start your Easter-egg hunt! 

Years ago, when I was pregnant, we rented an Airbnb on a canal in Crystal River and towed our boat up from Bradenton for a long July weekend. Home rentals for scalloping season typically go live in January and fill up quickly. If you would like to stay on the water, set a reminder now for January 1!

Long weekend - Day 1

We started on a Thursday and it took about 2.5 hours to tow the boat from Bradenton to Crystal River. There were 6 of us staying in a 3 bedroom rental. When we arrived that afternoon, the 3 men went to launch the boat at a nearby boatramp. The 3 women went to Publix to shop for the weekend. 

That night, we went to dinner by boat to the Crab Plant. This was recommended by a friend that grew up in Crystal River. Another popular spot is Cracker’s, which was right across the way. After dinner, we cruised around Hunter Bay to look for manatees. 

Long weekend - Day 2

On Friday, our plan was to wake up and go scalloping. But we woke up to thunder and lightning (always be patient when traveling – especially in Florida during rainy season). During a clearing on the radar, we attempted to head out. The storms were rolling in too quickly and we had to made a quick run back. Fortunately for us, we were with great friends, staying in a house stocked with games, and we weren’t at work! So we made the best of it and enjoyed our time hanging out. 

Long weekend - Day 3

On Saturday, we woke up to PERFECT weather! After breakfast, we packed up the cooler and hopped on the boat. If you’re new to the area and not sure where to go – follow the other herd of boats heading out!

We picked a spot in about 5-7 feet of water. There were more shallow options available, but we heard they get picked over quickly when season opens. Remember to have a dive flag on your boat, a 5-gallon bucket, snorkel & mask, fins, and mesh laundry bags to hold while you dive. 

I floated and enjoyed the sun all day while the other 5 did the hard work. I didn’t feel that diving at 32 weeks pregnant was the best use of my energy. Plus, it worked out wonderfully that we had a watch person! I kept a constant count of our group and made sure that no one drifted too far. I highly recommend doing this. 

They collected a ton! Once our spot was picked over, we pulled the anchor up and floated a couple hundred feet to start again. You’ll never know if you’re in a good spot or not, so just give it a try. It did seem like the spots with thicker sea grass had more since there were more places to hide. 

Around 3:00, we packed up to make our way in. A quick pit-stop at Dockside Ice Cream and then we were off to shuck scallops. You can pay to have someone do this for you but we felt like $30 was a little steep.

That night, we made a pasta dish with the scallops and enjoyed each other’s company. 

Long weekend - Day 4

On Sunday morning, we packed, loaded the boat onto the trailer, and made the drive home. We had a great time and definitely want to go back again. 

Our hope is to have 2 great days of weather so that we can enjoy playing in the springs. But as long as you’re with a good group, nothing can damper your weekend. 

Crystal River in winter

Did you think that I skipped the third main attraction in Crystal River? 

3. THE MANATEES! I didn’t forget. They’re just best in the winter. 

Why? The spring waters in Florida stay the same 69/70 degrees fahrenheit all year long. So when the Gulf and Atlantic temperatures drop below that, the manatees congregate in the springs! 

When my husband and I first started dating, I bought a Groupon for a manatee swim and we booked a chilly February morning. We arrived at the location and discovered that everyone else had cancelled last-minute because of the air temperature. So we had the boat to ourselves! The guides were so much fun and we were two of the few people actually out in the water at the springs. 

You’re not allowed to touch or pursue the manatees, but they’re allowed to touch and pursue you! They’re the most playful animals, so sweet, and so gentle. 

My nehews both have birthdays in March so when my daughter was 3, I decided to book a tour for them to have the experience! I went with the kids, my mom, and sister. We booked a morning tour through Sea Daddy’s. After check-in, safety briefing, and putting on wet suits, you take a short walk over to the boat. 

Just a short cruise later, and you’ll be in the water with manatees! Be sure to pack towels and dry clothes. Sea Daddy’s was wonderful and had hot chocolate waiting on the boat for the kids.